3 Prime Class E Units
Kingston – Clarence Street, KT1 1NR
Available From Q1 2025
These 3 properties are on the town’s prime, pedestrianised retail pitch.
Nearby retailers and occupiers include Marks and Spencer, River Island, Flying Tiger, Skechers and Schuh.
Numerous restaurants and grab and go food operators havealso located here including Leon, Wasabi, Wingstop, GDK and Wendy’s. Starbucks and Pret a Manger are also nearby.
Click for Streetview
These are three ground floor lock-up units that are to be adapted, in the coming months, for a residential scheme to be developed over.
It should be noted that 40b Clarence Street has 4 steps down at a depth of 10m from the shop front.
The premises provide the following approximate dimensions and areas:
40B Clarance Street
40A Clarence Street
40 Clarence Street
Frontage. M/FT
6.1 / 20’
3.8 / 12’6
5.8 / 19’
Depth. M/FT
22.3 / 73’2
9.6 / 31’6
22.1 / 72’6
144 / 1,550
47.4 / 510
124 / 1,335
All available on new, long leases with 5 yearly rent reviews.
40b Clarence St: £110,000
40a Clarence St: £75,000
40 Clarence St: £120,000
The VOA will assess the areas and rateable values following the redevelopment works to the ground floors.
Service Charge
There will be a small annual service charge, further details can be provided.
The properties will be handed over in a developer’s shell specification with existing and/or capped services and the existing shopfronts. Scale plans can be provided.
Legal Costs
Each party are to bear their own associated legal costs.
To be provided following works
Ryan Kennedy
Goad Details
Misrepresentation Act: These particulars do not constitute part of an offer or contract. They are intended as a guide to prospective purchasers or lessees. All reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of these particulars but their accuracy is not guaranteed. The purchaser or lessee should satisfy themselves as to the correctness. Neither the agent, vendors or lessors are to become under any liability or claim in respect of the particulars. These particulars are supplied on the understanding that all negotiations are conducted through this office.